Josh is exploring methods for performing coordinate registration and frequency management for a Networked Over-the-Horizon Radar (OTHR). Both an effective Coordinate Registration System (CRS) and Frequency Management System (FMS) capable of adapting to the significant spatial and temporal variability of the ionosphere is essential for the effective operation of any OTHR. Both systems must be operate in real time and may incorporate radar ground backscatter to improve assessments. The SuperDARN radars provide a useful source of experimental data to investigate approaches for how backscatter can be used in FMS and CRS systems and as a benchmark for evaluating HF raytracing simulations. Initial research is being conducted on these aspects to form a preliminary understanding for future PhD projects.
MEng Aerospace Engineering
Joshua Ruck is an Aerospace Engineering graduate at the University of Birmingham who started a PhD with the group in September 2022, focussed on the development of frequency management and coordinate registration systems for SERENE’s novel Networked Over-the-Horizon Radar. After completing an individual dissertation on the topic of 'Auroral Effects on OTHR' during his undergraduate degree, Joshua undertook two consecutive summer research positions with SERENE to further explore his interest in OTHR, with this inspiring him to undertake a PhD in the subject.
- Auroral effects on OTHR
- OTHR coordinate registration and frequency management.
Ruck, J. J., & Themens, D. R. (2021). Impacts of auroral precipitation on HF propagation: A Hypothetical over-the horizon radar case study. Space Weather, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021SW002901