I am currently focusing on models of over the horizon radar (OTHR) systems in which high frequency transmissions are refracted by the ionosphere to allow observations of locations which could not be observed directly from the transmitter site due to the curvature of the Earth. An accurate characterisation of ionospheric conditions is crucial to the successful operation of an OTHR system. Therefore, the use of models such as AENeAS can be an important factor for the success of such as a system
Following a BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Open University and a MSc Mathematical Modelling at the University of Birmingham (UoB) I began my PhD, also at UoB. My PhD includes developing methods for forecasting low-latitude scintillation using physics-based and data assimilation ionospheric models. An approach has been developed which demonstrates forecasting skill using output from a physics-based model and shows a significant improvement in skill when using the Advanced Ensemble Electron Density (Ne) Assimilation System (AENeAS), an ensemble data assimilation model with a physics-based background which has been developed at the UoB.